Saturday, October 31, 2009

Check Out my Amazon Reviews!

I am currently reviewing a whole heap of books and other products on Go check them out. I have reviewed some very controversial books and will review more as I have time. Included in the controversial books I have reviewed so far are: Created to Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl, So Much More by Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin, and Love in the House by Chris and Wendy Jeub.

In the line up for being reviewed are: Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy MacDonald, The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace, Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours by Dr Kevin Leman, The Duggars: 20 and Counting by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn.

I will also be reviewing more books and products, this is just a start. My profile on Amazon is K.Wilson. Check out my reviews and leave some comments!